
The CXV-D combines the use of an evaporative condensing coils with intergrated fill packs for cooling down the recirculating spray water.

The vapour (1) circulates on both sides of the unit through a condensing coil (2), which is wetted by a spray system (3). In parallel with the water spray flow, axial fans (4) draw air (5) over the coils. The evaporation process condenses the vapour into liquid (6). The spray water falls onto fill packs (7) where it is cooled before falling into the sloping water basins (8) or sumps. The spray pumps (9) recirculate the cooled water to the top of the unit. The warm saturated air (10) leaves the tower through the drift eliminators (11).

Interested in the CXV-D condenser? Contact your local BAC representative for more information.